Holiday Cactus
My cactus and I agree that it is a holiday cactus, probably genus Schlumbergera, but it seems to think it’s the Christmas kind while I maintain it is a Thanksgiving. “You have sharply serrated leaves!” I say, but it just goes on blooming.
I like the one tiny bit of color.
Haha yes that is a christmas cactus, you drew it well. =D It’s reaaaaally hard to get them to bloom so you should take photos of it or something. Apparently you have to leave them in a dark room for 8 months or something, then take them out and they’re either dead or will bloom. Or something. Just like me… =)
It’s bloomed a few times before. I think it would prefer a cooler area for that purpose: the lone bud is at the end of the segment that brushes the cold window. And Thanksgiving cacti are almost identical to Christmas cacti, just with sharper teeth! So I don’t know, maybe I just have a real toothy Christmas cactus.
i too like the tiny splash of super pink! and as far as christmas cacti being tempermental and not bloomy? this has not been the case for me, mine went nutso with flowers yearly until i killed it via carelessly leaving it outside during a cold snap
Maybe your legendary fertility extends to all living things in your vicinity! You’re like a suburban Brigid.
The tiny pop of pink seemed necessary: you know how holiday cacti seem slightly drab and then suddenly there’s this OBSCENELY VIVID bloom. It seems somehow defiant.
vivid, yes! mine was a vari-colored one, flamingo pink and white blooms. also lol legendary fertility. and obviously the “everything is going well and growing splendidly until killed by michelle’s ignorance” bodes well for the girls