I’ve been doing these long enough now that I feel justified in running the occasional repeat. This one first ran in 2012.
Posts Tagged everything else
I do like the idea I read online that instead of debating, the VP candidates should compete in various DIY tasks like changing the oil in a car. But Walz is a teacher, so I have to believe he knows[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And just in time for the High Holidays, too. Yes, I know that this preemptive blaming of the Jews has unpleasant historical echoes. Still, I choose to take it as a compliment. I mean, what else am I going to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
An unpleasant term for a technique used by unpleasant people. They’re going to get weirder and more violent as we close in on the increasingly misnamed Election Day (it’s really the day voting stops). Ignore the theater and keep your[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yet again I am convinced that everything about this election is aimed directly at me, including the debate being on a Tuesday so I can’t do a comic properly.
Probably we’d all like there to be one, something in us all insists that there is one, but I’ve checked several times now and there’s not.
I have noticed for years that people tend to spell this name incorrectly, but for obvious reasons the problem has become more pressing recently. Possibly it happens so often because “Lector” doesn’t set off spell checkers; lector is a word,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I often think of Watt-Evans’s Laws of Fantasy, of which the second is “People are never wholly good or wholly evil, and therefore characters should never be wholly good or wholly evil.” It’s an important rule, but reality appears to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…